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Take your quest for some great family fun Outside! Scavenger hunts are an easy way for families with kids of all ages to spend time together. So put on your scavenger hats, and then read on to decide the next hunt you are going to tackle. Seek and Find (Young Children) On a piece of ...
Turning ahead the clocks makes us remember just how precious an hour of sleep is! Sleep: we know it’s important, most of us need more of it, yet it’s often the first thing we sacrifice when life gets hectic. There’s always one more chore to be done before you hit the sack, or another work ...
You’ve heard it before: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But in many households, mornings are a mad rush to get everyone out the door to school and work on time. Studies show that as many as eight to 12% of all school-aged kids skip breakfast. Teens are even worse — as ...
In our go-go lifestyles and fast-paced world, traditions sometimes get brushed aside in our rush to get everything done. Yet traditions actually help us slow down and spend meaningful time together as a family. They also give our kids a sense of belonging — and parents and other family members a way “to pass on ...
Whether staged by a professional or snapped on your smartphone, family photos make fleeting moments last a lifetime, and allow you to share those moments with the ones you love most. This holiday season, pull the whole family in on the planning and see what creative photos you can take and turn into gifts. From ...
‘Tis the season to hit the stores and find special gifts for friends and family. As parents, we know it’s far easier — and faster — to leave the kids at home and do the holiday shopping alone. Yet that isn’t always feasible, and sometimes we end up with the kids tugging at our coattails ...
It’s that time of year again when we show our friends, neighbors, and families how much we appreciate them with a special gift. These gestures of appreciation don’t have to cost much — and mean all the more when we make them with our own hands. This holiday season, spend the afternoon baking cookies with ...
We all know Thanksgiving is about giving thanks in addition to feasting over a delicious meal with family. We also know the first Thanksgiving involved pilgrims, native Americans, and the celebration of the bountiful fall harvest — and took place hundreds of years ago. But there’s a lot more to the story worth exploring. This ...
Nothing beats the bounty of the fall harvest and the wholesome goodness of a Thanksgiving meal. A mainstay of modern Thanksgiving, apple sauce pairs perfectly with many of the dishes passed down from one family member to the next. Most of all, apple sauce is a real crowd-pleaser, satisfying the taste buds of all ages ...